Bahasa ibunda tersemai di hati,
Warisan pujangga tetap dituruti.

Kami perintis Perbayu NJC!


September 2007
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April 2008
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Cikgu Artina
Cikgu Mazalan

Kita :D

Saiful_Vice President
Shairah_Welfare head/Treasurer
Aqilah_Liaison Officer
Khairul Ashraf
Nur Atika
Ahmad Maliki
Nurul Aqilah
Izza Elyana
Sasha Joseph

Mesti tag tau!

terima kasih :)

Pencipta reka letak

Reka letak oleh up_in_lights
Lihatlah reka letak lain di

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hello semua!

Anyway, just to inform all of you that our drama is confirmed to be on the 5th of April, 5pm-7pm. It'll be held at LT1.

So, can start promoting to your friends now! For those seniors interested in coming for our drama and want to place reservations, you can do so by emailing me at or contact any other juniors.

I really hope that this year's drama will be a success. Insyallah, with the commitment and cooperation from all of you, we'll make this work alright?

In addition to that, I would like to thank all those who have been faithfully coming down for drama pracs. Really appreciate the commitment from you guys.

To the juniors, please be actively involve in our activities. It'll be great if we can bond together =D

More updates will be coming up soon. I'll be updating current news about drama regularly.

Till then, take care!


Biar Melayu kekal selalu menaip pada 10:03 PM

Salam semua (:

alright, pertama sekali ingin saya mohon maaf kerana tidak menulis sejak kebelakangan ini.

sudah terdapat pelbagai aktiviti dan events yang sudah mengambil tempat,
dan sekali lagi, saya mohon maaf kerana lewat untuk berbual tentangnya (:

haha alright,
jadi tahun ini, kita sudah pun mengadakan sesi dialog untuk terrorisme,
dan walaupun sesi pada tahun ini tidak sebaik tahun lalu,
MLDDS exco ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua kerana telah memberikan komitmen, masa dan tenaga untuk menjayakan sesi dialog ini.

tahun ini juga, saya dan Dinah telah menghadiri sebuah khemah yang dianjurkan oleh FMSA,
iaitu Fellowship of the Muslim Students Association,
dan daripada khemah itu, sebuah seminar akan dilanjutkan,
dan kumpulan kami telah memilih kanak-kanak kecil yang tidak bernasib baik seperti kita,
sebagai kumpulan yang ingin kami bantu.
dan kini, Dhiya dan Safarina akan membantu kami dalam projek kami,
yang akan kami bentangkan semasa seminar BRMY;
(dan BRMY- Building Resilient Muslim Youths)

Juga, kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua yang menghadiri orientasi kami,
dan semoga ini akan menjadi sebuah landasan untuk kami bekerjasama pada masa hadapan.
kami juga ingin menganjurkan sebuah get-together, mungkin semasa lunch atau apapun,
jadi jika sesiapa ada cadangan, ketengahkanla ye,
kami amat gembira jika anda dapat membantu kami kerana sesungguhnya, kita satu MLDDS (:

baiklah, kini kita sedang bersiap-sedia untuk pementasan drama kami yang akan datang,
tarikh drama kami adalah pada 5 april 2008, di lt1 pada pukul 5-7pm.

yup, dan ini dipetik dari emel Presiden kita, Zulhafni,
dan harap jika berminat, beritahulah kami ya?
kami amat amat menggalakkan semua untuk turut menghadirinya :D

Hi everyone! We from MLDDS first of all, would like to once again wish a warm welcome to the juniors who have just joined us. For those who don't know much about us, MLDDS (Malay Literary Debate and Drama Society) is an official CCA existing in NJC with it's on major events and achievements.

You all are official members of this CCA and even though you will not have to come down for regular meetings every week, you will still be able to take part in our activities. Some of our juniors went for our first major event of the year, our Dialogue Session on Terrorism which was organised, by ourselves.

First of all, here's a list of details of our upcoming events and competitions as well as people to go to if you are interested in going for it.

1) MLDDS Drama Night 2008
Date: April 2008
Our cast members have already been practicing for weeks and we are about 3 weeks away from the big day. Our drama night has always been an annual affair that we all look forward to, a night for all of us to showcase our talents. The cast has already been finalized with some of the juniors already holding roles in the drama. But no worries for the rest as we still need people to help out in the backstage crew as well as other leadership roles in publicity or other sectors.
Interested? then contact our Director, Ain (91593614) (

2) Temasek JC Youth Forum
Date: 19th April 2008
Time: 8.30 AM - 12.30 PM
Venue: TJC Auditorium
Temasek Junior College will be holding it's first ever forum session, targeted at youths from JCs, Polytechnics and ITEs, with the aim of discussing vital issues pertaining to youths currently and to develop youths dynamically. The forum will also consist of various performances put up by TJC's Malay Cultural Society as well as stalls set up by their own students. In addition, there will also be a video-making competition leading up to the forum itself.
For those interested, please email or SMS me your name, contact details, as well as email address. (Zuhafni by Sunday Night

3) Mega Carnival 2008
Organised by Malay Language Society of the National University of Singapore (NUSML)
Date: 14th – 16th March 2008
Venue: Malay Heritage Centre (Taman Warisan)
Details are as follows:
"This initiative is an amalgamation of the objectives of the four different secretariats in our society – Arts, Literary, Publications and Welfare.
With the nascent goal of bringing together all the 4 secretariats in the execution of one event under the central banner of the Malay Language Society of the National University of Singapore, this idea was further manifested to become what is now known as the Mega Carnival 2008 or Karnival Mega 2008 (in Malay).
We are pleased to have Mr Abdullah Tarmugi, Speaker for the Singapore Parliament as Guest-of-Honour for our carnival.
In brief, the various secretariats are offering the following:

- *Our Arts Secretariat – Jejak Warisan (Malay Heritage Exhibition)* -
To open up our carnival grounds to budding artists whose artwork largely pertains to traditional Malay art and who are interested in using these grounds for their exhibition purposes in a bid to accentuate their artistic careers.
- It is hoped that this opportunity would not only serve as a crucial stepping stone for budding artists seeking recognition and accreditation for their noble works, but would also help enrich the masses with the knowledge of traditional Malay art forms and art works.
- Mr Sarkasi Said will be conducting a Batik painting workshop to coincide with our Arts programme that is scheduled for our carnival. Joining him as well would be renowned potter Mr Iskandar Jalil.
- *Our Welfare Secretariat – Carnival Bazaar* -

A bazaar consisting of a projected amount of 20 stalls will be set up on carnival grounds. - There will also be booths set aside for non-profit organisations in a bid to facilitate the spread of their awareness messages.
Some of theseorganizations that will be participating in our carnival include:
theAssociation of Women for Action and Research (AWARE)
and Yellow RibbonProject.

- *Our Literary Secretariat – Malam Pentas (Stage Night)*-

With our literary event called *Malam Pentas* or Stage Night which will be held on the 16th March 2008, we are offering a platform to people from all walks of life to perform on stage and in public. -
It is hoped that we will be able to fulfil our Literary Secretariat's objective of heightening creativity and freedom of artisticexpression amongst the masses. The showcase of a wide array of talents would inevitably contribute to the success of our carnival as a whole.
- *Our Publications Secretariat – Official launch of Akudeta Online Magazine* -
We are also pleased to do an official launch of our online newsletter,
*Akudeta *on the 16th March 2008*.* Purposefully organised to coincide with our launch, *Akudeta *plays host to a Poetry Writing Competition, organised for secondary schools and junior colleges. Successful participants will be given an opportunity to recite their poetry duringStage Night. The launch of *Akudeta *shall take place prior to Stage Night. -

In future, *Akudeta *will also act as a window that would provide a crucial insight into the happenings of the NUS Malay undergraduate community and possibly bring it closer to society. *Other programmes/performance highlights:* -

Our carnival will be graced by performances from Merah, J.Da, Didicazli, Sleeq, Zubir Abdullah, Muni, Pendekar, Atrika Dance Company,Variasi Performing Arts as well as Republic Polytechnic Performing Arts on different days throughout the span of our carnival. Your support is very much appreciated. To place your orders for our Carnival Coupons ($5 each), kindly contact Nadia (91056444) or Na'im (93366061).

For more information, send us an email at Or visit our webpage at

*Do note that the annual NUS Open House will be held during the same weekend (15th - 16th March) on campus."So if you are free, come down and support their event :) In addition if you do participate in any of their activities or competitions there, please tell me your names and the details so that, as usual, I can keep a record of your achievements for you under MLDDS.

5) Inter-JC Debate Competition
Time Period: May-June (with training sessions and practice)
Alright, now for competitions, MLDDS sent it's first team of debaters last year for the first time ever to participate in the event organised by 4PM. Our team reached all the way to the finals and got second, beating teams like RJC (twice! :D) along the way. Right now, this year, we will be looking for our next batch of debaters who will be able to carry on the torch, or even bring it further. Unlike last year, our team will be able to benefit from the coaching by our senior debaters to prepare them for the competition. Take note that the team will only consist of 4 members (3 speakers and 1 reserve), plus you will be undergoing periods of intense preparations for the debate as you progress.
So for those interested, please email Wani

6) Wau Competition
Time Period: June
Our team also won the second spot for this competition last year, so once again, this year, for those who wants to showcase their talent in Malay art and their aesthetic skills, please email or SMS me (Zulhafni) to express your interest :)

7) News-Writing Competition
Time Period: July
While our team didn't win anything for this last year, we won the first prize tw years ago when the competition first began. You will get the opportunity to go through a course in writing news articles as well as a forum discussion with a GOH and learn how to ask the right questions to get your intended answer for your news article. So once again, interested?
SMS or email me your names and you will be on your way to learn more about writing news articles.

8) Poetry Recital Competition
Time Period: -Not Confirmed-
Once again, we did good in another competition, winning the second spot for the competition. So for those interested in poetry recital, once again, send me an SMS or email of your name :)

9) Other eventsAside from external competitions and events, MLDDS@NJC also has it's own student-initiated events that allows students to take charge. Some examples of events are Racial Harmony Celebrations, Hari Raya-Deepavali Celebrations as well as other collaborations with external organisations such as Mendaki Club. Furthermore, we will also be looking for the next batch of juniors who will step up and take charge of this CCA, bringing it to even greater heights. While our CCA may remain relatively small compared to other CCAs, rest assured, our names and achievements will continue to echo.
Only in such CCAs will you be able to take charge of your own event as well as receive guidance from the teachers as well as other experienced seniors.So, all in all, for those who are interested in any of the above mentioned activities or in holding leadership positions or organizing events to simply inform us your name to the relevant people or even me :)
If you are interested in more than one event, just compile a list of them and forward them to me. Remember, this will be your chance to take part in such events that will equip you with skills for the present as well as for the future.
With that, we from the MLDDS team hope to see all of you in our upcoming events.

yup, dan semoga semua gembira aite :D


Biar Melayu kekal selalu menaip pada 9:16 PM